Worship Services
“All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, Lord; they will bring glory to your name. For you are great and do marvelous deeds; you alone are God.”
Holy Trinity gathers to sing and pray and hear the Word of God.
(click on picture for slideshow)
Worship is the center of our lives together at Holy Trinity where Holy Communion is celebrated weekly at both services and everyone—without exception—is invited to receive the bread and wine.
Because it is Christ's table, we open it to all.
We gather every Sunday 10:00 AM for the service of Holy Communion. Children are always welcome and may attend Sunday School at the 10:00 AM hour. All are invited to join us for our coffee hour which follows all services.
Pastor Analyse greets one of our young Sunday school students. (seen above)
10:00 AM is our Family Service featuring more upbeat music, contemporary readings and a children’s moment (sermon).
Also at 10:00 AM is our Traditional Service with more traditional hymns and our Holy Trinity Choir offering a musical offering.
Word & Sacrament, Joyous Music
We gather as a community, often beginning each service with an announcement of forgiveness or a remembrance of our baptism. We hear the Word of God read in the Old and New Testaments, proclaimed in sermons, and sung in traditional hymns, global music, or songs with profound new poetry. Lutherans love to sing; God invites us all to lift up our voice in praise to our Lord!
We pray for the needs of the world, our neighbors, and ourselves, trusting that God always hears our prayers. We practice generosity by offering our resources for the work of God’s church. After we’ve shared the peace of Christ, we gather at the table to receive bread and wine, Christ’s own body and blood offered to all of us, without condition, for those who have great faith and those who wish they had more.
Finally, we are sent into the world to be agents of resurrection, empowered to serve our neighbor with compassion, humility, and justice.
Following worship we invite you to join others in the lower level Fellowship Hall for coffee, cake and conversation.