What’s the ELCA?
Always Being Made New: The Campaign for the ELCA. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) is made up of about 4 million members in nearly 10,000 congregations across the United States and Caribbean.
“On the Day of Pentecost, people heard the good news in their own language.”
Regardless of age, race, or status in life, members of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America welcome you to join this community of faith. If you’re unfamiliar with our church, some of what you learn may surprise you.
The ELCA is an engaged, active body of people who put faith in God into action—in millions of ways, all over the world.
Holy Trinity is proud of our Lutheran heritage. Most importantly, it allows us to connect with other affiliated faith communities, attend sponsored events like the ELCA Youth Gathering, and inform us in ways that we can help those struck with the misfortunes that life seems inevitably to give. On the other side of the coin, we rejoice at the great gift of being to celebrate life together.