Worship Services
“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Lighting of the Advent wreath candles at the beginning of each weekly service as we prepare for the coming of our Lord.
Midweek services on Wednesday at 11:30 am followed by a soup and sandwich lunch.
Christmas Eve at 9 pm
Family service of familiar hymns with candle lighting during “Silent Night”
Shrove Tuesday at 6 pm
The evening before Ash Wednesday we gather for prayers and a feast of pancakes from A-Z. Apple, Blueberry, Bacon & Cheese, Pumpkin, Zucchini (and of course plain pancakes too!) are enjoyed as we share in the tradition of using up our “sugars & fats” in preparation for Lent. Games for the kids are followed by burning the palms from last Palm Sunday to be prepared for Ash Wednesday.
Ash Wednesday
Services at 12 pm and 8 pm with Holy Communion and imposition of ashes.
Midweek services on Wednesday at 11:00 am followed by a soup and sandwich lunch.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday procession with palms and reading of the passion at both of our regularly scheduled Sunday services. Palm Sunday Brunch (free) follows each service.
Maundy Thursday Apage Meal at 6 pm
Gather around the table to share in a meal of love remembering Jesus’ Last Supper. Stripping of Altar in preparation for Good Friday follows service.
Good Friday
Solemn prayer service at 12 pm
Tenebrae service of light to darkness at 8 pm - Walking with Jesus to the cross, and tomb, in readings and song.
We celebrate the Resurrection of our Lord with Alleluias at both 9 & 10:30 am.
Ascension Thursday
We celebrate the ascension of our Lord Jesus into heaven.
Rally Day
At the beginning of September we gather to kick off our fall programming. Service is led by our youth and followed by a community BBQ and outdoor games.
Blessing of Animals
Each year we gather on the front walk in honor of St. Francis to bless our furry, and not so furry, friends in a short service of prayer and individual blessings between services. (usually first Sunday of October at 10 am)
Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service at 8 pm followed by coffee and cake. We give thanks for all of the blessings in our lives!