Education at
Holy Trinity
We’re More Than Teaching—We’re Learning, Too
Sunday School brings together youth from grades four through eighth grade with dynamic teachers and exciting projects.
During our 9 am Worship Service, our youth begin in church for the first part of the service and then may attend Sunday School after the Children's sermon.
Teachers use bible stories and crafts to teach our youth about their faith.
Every Christmas the youth put on a special Christmas pageant.
Confirmation, although not a sacrament in the Lutheran church, is a cherished ritual and rite of passage. The program involves strengthening or deepening one's relationship with God. At the completion of the program (2 years) students will publicly reaffirm the promises their sponsors made for them at their Baptism.
Once again, this year at Holy Trinity we are inviting youth in grades 4 and up to participate in the Confirmation Program.
Confirmation classes will be a combination of Sunday School Class (during 9 am service) and a once a month class with the pastor on Sunday from 12 pm to 1 pm.
We will be using scripture, books and music to understand our faith and learn the catechism. In addition to class attendance, students will be expected to attend worship regularly as well as participate in worship as acolyte, reader or usher. For more information, speak to our pastor.
Adult Learning
At Holy Trinity Education is for everyone! We offer weekly Bible Studies:
Wednesdays at 10 am
During Advent and Lent we offer a Midweek Service with a soup lunch following the morning bible study. See seasonal worship.
Sunday School, Presentations & Projects
Vacation Bible School
The Bible Can Be Fun!