
Taking Jesus to Heart &
Welcoming All

We are thankful that you are with us today.
Enjoy a blessed and healthy day.

Happy Birthday in March to


Happy Anniverary to:


Holy Trinity

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We’re especially proud of our stained glass windows. If you’re a history buff or simply an art aficionado, you will also appreciate their splendor.


We are delighted that you are here with us in person or online!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all.

And also with you.

Welcome to you for the presentIf you do not have a church home, please consider Holy Trinity to be yours!  If Pastor Analyse or the Prayer Team can provide any care for you at the present, please reach out at pastoranalyse@holytrinitybellerose.org or the church office at office@holytrinitybellerose.org.

Holy Trinity Bellerose NY LOGO


Holy Trinity is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. We welcome all people no matter who you are. At Holy Trinity, we take scripture seriously and fully trust in the words of the Apostle Paul:

There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.
– Galatians 3:28


At Holy Trinity, we strive to provide a welcoming space for worship, education and fellowship. Stylistically, we strive to provide a diverse worship experience including both traditional and progressive elements.


“Welcoming all to grow in faith; living Christ's message of serving and loving neighbors near and far.”

Mission Statement of Holy Trinity Lutheran, Bellerose

Location &
Worship Times


Holy Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
246-55 87th Avenue
Bellerose, NY 11426

Office: 718-347-0278
Email: office@holytrinitybellerose.org

From Northern State Parkway or Long Island Expressway:

Cross Island Parkway south to Exit 28B (Hillside Avenue) Left onto Hillside Avenue then Right onto Commonwealth Blvd. Our church building is on left-hand side of Commonwealth.

From Southern State Parkway:

Cross Island Parkway north to Exit 28B (Hillside Avenue). Right onto Hillside Avenue then Right onto Commonwealth Blvd. Our church building is on left-hand side of Commonwealth.

Centrally located on Commonwealth Blvd, between Jericho Tpke. and Hillside Ave. We are right off the Cross Island Parkway. Plenty of street parking. You can also reach us by bus or LIRR.

Whatever way you do, you’ll be greeted warmly by a loving church and will immediately feel like part of the family. 

Join us to the Holy Trinity Lutheran Church services
every Sunday with Pastor Analyse Triolo.


Per the recommendation of the Metropolitan New York Synod, Holy Trinity will go back to live-streaming only due to an increase in Covid-19 cases. Worship will continue to stream on Facebook and YouTube. The Synod will re-evaluate at the end of Janua…

Thank you.


Worship Times for 2024/25 Program Year

10:00am Traditional Worship In-Person and via Facebook/YouTube


We Are

We Make It Our Mission to Serve Our
Lord & Savior by Serving the Community


What’s a

Defining Purpose—God’s Work, Our Hands

Mar 2024

A servant-leader focuses primarily on the growth and well-being of people and the communities to which they belong. While traditional leadership generally involves the accumulation & exercise of power by one at the “top of the pyramid.” Servant-leadership is different. The servant-leader shares power, puts the needs of others first and helps people develop and perform as highly as possible.

We believe that Jesus of Nazareth was the full embodiment of what it means to be a servant-leader.

At Holy Trinity, we live out these values not only in the way we interact with each other, but also by what we do. After all, this is where the rubber hits the road and we can make a difference in the surrounding community.

You can too.


When you visit, you can expect Pastor Analyse and the entire congregation to embrace you. We have opportunities for Bible study, community service, support and plenty of time for social interactions with others. What’s more, you’ll feel you’re making a difference in the world.

Visit our outreach, education, and community groups pages to see where God is calling you to fit in. Better yet . . . want something you don’t see? Start a group and gather—Holy Trinity is always open to grow and change!

Click here for a full listing of Holy Trinity’s guiding leadership. We’re always welcoming new leaders to share your vision with us!

Jesus didn’t turn anyone away. Neither do we.

What People Are Saying About Holy Trinity in Bellerose

Holy Trinity immediately felt like family when we were looking for a church. Being new to the area we checked several churches but felt so comfortable at Holy Trinity we decided to make it home.

I think God took me by the hand and led me here.

We’ve raised 3 kids here and have made wonderful friends in the congregation. We could not have asked for a better church
— Carol Albasini
Initially I was looking for a faith based community for me and my children that focused on outreach. Did I hit the jackpot! Holy Trinity has fulfilled all my expectations of what a Church should be and more!

My children and I participate in so many ways to serve our neighbors near and far! My faith has grown beyond measure through the various Christian educational resources offered.

I am grateful for my “extended family” which is the congregation. I am blessed to be a member of Holy Trinity,
— Linda Lago
Couldn’t think of a nicer group of people who, along with me, call Holy Trinity their church home. Glad to be part of this family since 2001.
— Herb Guschkat

Join us at Holy Trinity Lutheran with our Pastor Analyse Triolo Lewis


Our Sunday School Youth members
always learning; always having fun.

Rev. Analyse Triolo Lewis


2025 Calendar
& Upcoming Events

Experience Life Together &
Bring Your Gifts to Find
Your Purpose

Holy Trinity Bellerose NY LOGO

March & Upcoming 2025 Events

In keeping within our mission, 2025 Midnight Run has become an annual event where we distribute food and clothing to the needy.

Happy 5th Anniversary to our beloved Pastor Analyse Triolo

Holy Trinity Youth Group
First and Third Saturdays of every month.
6pm to 8pm grades 2-8 & 7:30 to 9:30 grades 9 and up. 
Fun, games, snacks. Come join. For info call church office. All are welcome. Encouraged to bring friends/neighbors.

What’s On The Menu? Find out by purchasing Holy Trinity’s Cookbook containing recipes from our very own congregation. ONLY $2.00. Call the office to get yours 718-347-0278

Thanks to all these terrific people that worked together to decorate Holy Trinity for Christmas.

Join us on Sundays at 10am for worship IN-PERSON downstairs (during the summer)or on Facebook!
www.facebook.com/HTLCBellerose and join us afterwards to rejoin with friends and members.

And here’s the link to the interactive worship bulletins which is: holytrinitybellerose.church as an alternative place to find all worship resources including service music.

CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING - Second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm. Next meeting is January 14th.

Springtime 2020 Holy Trinity in full bloom

Springtime 2020 Holy Trinity in full bloom

Our beautiful azaleas on the front lawn

Our beautiful azaleas on the front lawn

Our Crossroads Junior Retreat in Ft Murray, NJ was another weekend of friendship and bonding while reinforcing the values of being Lutherans. It’s been another year of growth and unity that will forever provide an indelible contribution to their lives.

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Recent pics of our breakfast run on Saturday, January 16th, 2021. Grateful to God that we’re blessed to be able to help the homeless with winter clothing, food, toiletries and more.

Pics of our breakfast run on Saturday, January 16th, 2021. Grateful to God that we’re blessed to be able to help the homeless with winter clothing, food, toiletries and more.

Outreach / Reach Out continues after successful debut
Many school children and their families in our community experience food insecurity over the weekend. Holy Trinity has received a grant to supply weekend food bags for weekend use as a way to respond to this need. We are still looking to expand our team of people to participate in this exciting new ministry. Please speak to Carol Robinson for more information how you can assist.


Holy Trinity prides itself on our hospitality, Almost every time our doors are open there is a pot of coffee, a piece of cake and someone willing to join in conversation.

Please take a look at our calendar for any special events coming up this month. All events are open to the public, check out individual events for any special details

Featured News From Holy Trinity

Holy Trinity’s Annual Pasta Dinner Night was well received and attended by so many members, family and friends. Thank you to everyone that worked tirelessly to make this evening so special. If you missed it, make it a point to join us next year and better yet, become a part of our Holy Trinity family today

Our Men's Group Breakfast was enjoyable, we had a hot breakfast and a heartwarming time with our Holy Trinity family. Next one: check back.

Annual Youth Group in New York City for Christmas and in support of our “Glasses Donations for the needy” drive. Your donations are appreciated too at this link. Donate Your Glasses | Grand Central Optical | NYC

We Are Family…..Become Part of our family ASAP…

Our Sun, Jan 15th service led by Kenneth Henyon. We’re all sending out well wishes to our Pastor Analyse to recover quickly and return as soon as possible.

Denice Watkins delivers the Children’s sermon meaningfully with plenty of smiles from the children and congregation alike. Thank you Denice for filling in while our Pastor Analyse gets better.

The ladies of Holy Trinity - Christmas dinner at Salvatore’s.

Gifts at the Women’s Group Christmas Dinner.

2022 in NYC -
Doing God’s work and having a great time!

We are truly blessed by the turnout of our community neighbors, family & friends near and far. We all had such a good time. See the photos below.

Pastor Analyse blessed our pets & opened our hearts.

We say Happy Birthday to our
September friends & family


We thank our community for helping those in need making for a successful Shoe Drive. Over 1200 shoes were donated. Thank you again. Here’s just a few pics to enjoy.

by Keith Salmon (PPM Staff) | July 24, 202210:16 PM

Today we spent time in the house of the Lord and got to spend time with the people of Fifth Ave Baptist. We also got the opportunity to go see some of the job sites for the week. We also packed some meals and went out and gave them to some of the homeless people in the area. Great first day!

MA-HE-TU-Be with us in 2024!
Sun, Fun & Fellowship - 40 YEARS STRONG!

Palm Sunday Brunch on April 10th held in Fellowship Hall. A big thank you goes out to all those that provided the delicious foods.

Here’s a pic from our collaboration with the Girl Scouts and the Civic Association to collect toys for the Hance Family Foundation and also boost our fundraiser at Five Below.

3rd Wednesday every month
Come join us next time!

We had fun playing Pokeno last Wed night. Check for the next meeting. We’re always welcoming new friends. We look forward to meeting you.

AND… we’re always seeking Birthday cake donations for our Birthday Sundays. Your help would be very much appreciated.

Contact Holy Trinity at: 718-347-0278 or email: office@holytrinitybellerose.org

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Holy Trinity Plant Sale brought to us by the…

Another Successful
Cash Wash Fundraiser 2021

(keep clicking on above big pic)
Another big THANK YOU goes out to the Bellerose community and members of Holy Trinity for this year’s 2nd Car Wash Fundraiser making it such a success. It was so much fun meeting the neighbors, friends and families. It’s good to be back and raising additional funds for our Lutheran youth who will be travelling to West Virginia the summer of 2022. Please look for details for the next car wash in September.

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Join us for our next
3rd Wednesday every month
Women’s Group gathering

Discussing books, playing board games and best all, MAKING LIFELONG FRIENDS.

Discussing books, playing board games and best all, MAKING LIFELONG FRIENDS.

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If you have an announcement you’d like to share, feel free to send us an email: office@holytrinitybellerose.org.
And just for fun, send us your picture when you were a teenager or in your youth and let see if our members

We’re getting ready for tomorrow’s “midnight run” to provide warm clothes & feed the homeless Jan 18th

We’re getting ready for tomorrow’s “midnight run” to provide warm clothes & feed the homeless Jan 18th