Church Background & History

It All Started When…
In 1926 with the efforts of the Rev. James Berg—who at the time was the Missionary Superintendent of the New York and New England Synod—plans were first made to assemble a congregation and build a gathering space for worship. The first service of the Bellerose Lutheran Mission (as we were then known) was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. G Hanson on Oct. 3, 1926, with just 27 people present.
A store front was immediately rented on Nov 1, 1926, at 242-01 Jamaica Ave. as a place for worship and to conduct other church activities. In less than a year, by Sept. 1, 1927, the growth of the Sunday School forced the congregation to seek larger quarters at 242-05 Braddock Ave.
Eventually a church building was constructed, then torn down eight years later, and a new one put in its place—the building you now see standing.
However, a church is much more than its building; a church is the people, their hopes, and their dreams that gather faithfully together.
From These Humble Beginnings…
By 2016, the world had seen many changes, as our congregation had as well. Holy Trinity began a very busy year for the celebration of its 90th anniversary.
The final month of celebration was filled with many events from our regular Rally Day Picnic to our celebration of the youth of the church where all the youth participated in the conducting of the regular worship of the church. On September 25th we held our Anniversary service and dinner crowding the fellowship hall to remember all God had led us through.
The congregation also prepared to host a very special event, as we planned to package 50,000 macaroni and cheese dinners for the needy of New York. We also planned our annual trip to give new boots for the homeless.
Contextually and demographically, our community has seen enormous changes, and we are striving to meet these changes through developing relevant language and adopting new ways of conveying the Good News to a new generation.
We are excited to venture forth in the task God has given us!